350 acres, 15 ship-to-shore cranes, 6001 feet of wharf, including three deep-water berths (50’ mlw), on-dock rail with 42,000 feet of working track, and on-site AQI/CBP inspection capabilities, Port Elizabeth is APM Terminals’ largest terminal on the east coast of North America.
APM Terminals has the largest reefer capacity in the port of NY and NJ, containing 1,964 reefer plugs. In addition, APM Terminals has four ZPMC ship-to-shore super post-panamax cranes capable of handling the largest container vessels on the water today, up to 22 containers wide on-deck.
Conveniently located less than one mile off exit 13A of the New Jersey Turnpike, as well as Routes 1 & 9 for points north and south, and less than two miles from Interstate 78 for points west.
APM Terminals Port Elizabeth is located at:
5080 McLester Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 – Main Number: 908-558-6000
© 2022 Keys Drayage, Inc. All RIghts Reserved — 608 Knopf Street, Unit B, Linden, New Jersey 07036 — Website by Marcman Web Services